
Dummie product – 2021 – custom tabs

BJ855 is the successor of the proven Bondjet BJ820, the world‘s leading fully automated fine wire wedge-wedge wire bonder.

New features:

  • Optimized pattern recognition (PR)
  • Software features for the growing demand of connectivity and industry 4.0 (e.g. Hesse Bonder Network, remote control of PR, improved MES integration, …)
  • Hesse Assist Tools: load cell, bondtool and wire spool detection, bond tool calibration without wedge gauge for operator independency


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If you want to know more about Dummie product – 2021 – custom tabs

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The MILMEGA ‘AS’ Series Dual Band Class A Solid State Amplifier for Automotive Radar Pulse Testing

The AS0102 series of solid state power amplifiers follows the MILMEGA tradition for compact, upgradeable microwave power amplifier solutions with field proven reliability. Developed to cover the frequency band 1.0 – 2.0 GHz.
This amplifier is specially tuned and specified in the automotive radar band in order to guarantee at least 1500 watts of usable power in the 1.2-1.4GHz range.


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