EMC & RF Newsletter

Accelonix Newsletter – EMC & RF
We are pleased to present you the Accelonix EMC- and RF newsletter. This edition has several news-items, product announcements and is the start of a very interesting trade-in programme. Feel free to contact us on any of these or other subjects.

Accelonix and Ametek-CTS are joining forces with a trade-in campaign for your old Burst and/or Surge generator from any brand. 

This is a lucrative chance to acquire a transient immunity generator that is:

  • Up to date to all standards
  • Really easy to use
  • Time and money saving
  • Compact in size

Take your profit from the trade-in programme for Burst and Surge generators.


The only stand-alone instrument for conducted- and radiated RF immunity testing, that is able to “Close the Loop”.

With its integrated 1 GHz “RF-generator, Power-amplifier, and Powersensors”, the NSG 4070 contains all the required hardware in one compact housing.

The powerful and easy to use firmware makes the NSG 4070 independent from an external PC and control software. However, it can also be remote controlled using its dedicated software and for system operation it is easily integrated into 3rd party software.

More about the fully integrated RF-Immunity test-system in one single instrument.


Accelonix completes its EMC- and RF Test- and Measurement portfolio  with establishing its cooperation with ETS-Lindgren.

Anechoic and Faraday chambers, positioning systems, antennae, electric-fieldprobes, EMC- and radio testsoftware, and much more. It can be supplied as inventory items, but what makes this cooperation unique, is the fact that it can all come to you as a guarantied turn-key solution. There is no other party that warrants its turn-key setups.

More about the successful cooperation between Accelonix and ETS-Lindgren.

Close proximity magnetic field immunity tests according IEC/EN 60601-1-2 and IEC/EN 61000-4-39 made easy with this specially designed set of instrumentation.

A recent change in the IEC/EN 60601-1-2 and IEC/EN 61000-4-39 have made immunity testing against magnetic fields slightly more difficult. As a reaction Teseq has developed a tuned set of instruments making this test easy again.

More about the close proximity immunity testing against magnetic fields.

Accelonix has contributed to the Dutch EMC-ESD Event in November 2021. A slight change in the Corona-regulation made it possible to proceed with the event and seminar.

Accelonix has demonstrated several EMC immunity test instruments, participated with a booth and a demo-stand and contributed to the seminar track with an interesting lecture.

Read a report about Accelonix’ contribution to the Dutch EMC-ESD Event 

Copyright 2022 Accelonix BV – Luchthavenweg 18-b Eindhoven, NL-5657 EB – www.accelonix.nl
Your comments, questions, and suggestions are welcome via e-mail to sales@accelonix.nl



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