
3 Principles for Efficient Quality Assurance of THT Assemblies with AOI – Webinar

Tuesday July 6, 2021: 11:00 AM Central European time
Register Here: Goepel Registration Page

The webinar is aimed at quality and production managers directly involved with the manufacturing of PCBA’s and electronic assemblies.

The first part of the webinar deals with the question of where in a THT production line the AOI system can be integrated with the best efficiency.
Configuration variants of AOI systems are presented with respect to their ability to detect various manufacturing defects and illustrating a wide range of integration options in the production process.
In the following section, the difference between 2D and 3D inspection is discussed. In addition, the advantages and disadvantages of both technologies for component and solder joint inspection of THT components will be explained.
The last part of the webinar will focus on a resource-saving verification and repair concept for THT manufacturing including various possibilities for evaluation of detected faults, e.g. including existing assembly stations.


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