CT Series
The cyberTECHNOLOGIES CT products are designed with flexibility in mind.
With a variety of granite platforms to 1.8 m square, sensor options include white light confocal, laser, confocal microscope and interferometry options for different materials. Working heights and measurement ranges can be selected for any application. Several platform types will support multiple sensors. Scanning round objects, or simultaneously scanning both sides of a sample are options.
The rapid scanning process and full library of measurement parameters give a high degree of flexibility and automation to a wide range of surface engineering and microelectronic applications where size of sample, or the number to be scanned are important. Full automation of the process is available for production environments.
Building on the capabilities of the Vantage range of products, the CT platforms are designed to offer a greater range of options to the user, where surface measurement issues need to be addressed on a wide range of sample sizes, shapes and materials. They can operate in laboratory or production environments.
Based around the advanced Scan suite software solution, the optional AScan automation process, and the various optical solutions for different materials, the platform configurations provide a flexible approach to selecting the appropriate means of assessing many shapes and sizes of product, even when simultaneous assessment of both sides is required.
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