EM Test dito

16kV ESD Simulator

ESD Simulator


  • Most ergonomic design
  • Light weight (870g)
  • Interchangeable discharge tips
  • Interchangeable R/C networks
  • LiFePO4 power booster to perform long duration tests
  • Library of standard test routines
  • Test voltage measurement and control
  • Various test routines for testing and evaluation
  • High-sophisticated user guidance by test plans created by esd.control software
  • Optional fiber optic link between dito and computer (USB port)

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16kV ESD Simulator

dito – the ultimate ESD tester

Electrostatic discharges either from a human body to any other part or between two different objects can cause persistent disturbances or even destruction to sensitive electronics or controls. Voltages of several 1,000 volts are generated.
dito is the most advanced ESD tester to simulate ESD pulses as per EN/IEC 61000-4-2 and other standards requirements.

  • Bellcore GR-1089-Core
  • Chrysler PF-9326
  • DaimlerChrysler PF-10540
  •  EN 300329
  •  EN 300340
  •  EN 300342-1
  •  EN 300386 V1.3.2
  •  EN 301489-1
  •  EN 301489-17
  •  EN 301489-24
  •  EN 301489-7
  •  EN 55024
  •  EN 61000-4-2
  •  Fiat 9.90110
  •  Ford EMC-CS-2009.1
  •  Ford ES-XW7T-1A278-AB
  •  Ford ES-XW7T-1A278-AC
  •  Ford WDR 00.00EA
  •  IEC 61000-4-2
  •  IEC 61326
  •  ISO 10605
  •  ITU-T K.20
  •  ITU-T K.21
  •  ITU-T K.45
  •  JASO D001-94
  •  MIL STD 461 G CS 118
  •  Renault 36.00.400/B
  •  Renault 36.00.400/C
  •  Toyota TSC3500G
  •  Toyota TSC3590G
  •  Volvo EMC Requirements (1998)

dito is best designed for the different requirements for testing ESD. Its powerful battery allows to generate more than 50,000 pulses at 16.5kV. This is enough for more than a full day’s job. Its different menues lead the user through standard tests, helps to evaluate the test points and allows to find susceptibility levels.
It is unlike any other ESD generators. Its ergonomic design is recognised to be more user-friendly. There is no part of dito that hides the discharge tip while watching the display or operating the dito. You see where you point the tip no matter how you direct dito to the DUT.
The discharge voltage is measured and recorded. Discharge is stopped automatically when battery voltage becomes low. The user is informed when dito cannot charge properly. All this helps to assure reliable and reproducible tests without any question mark and doubt.
Discharge tips and discharge networks can easily be changed without disassembling the dito; simply remove one and plug-on another tip or module. The discharge modules are automatically recognised and the R/C configuration is shown in the display. You just can’t use a wrong discharge network!

esd.control – More than a remote control and documentation software

esd.control goes far beyond being just a remote control and documentation software. It is your ESD Test Manager from A to Z. It covers the preparation of the test (definition of the test plan, including all test points and the generation of test notes), test routine programming, collection of test data and full documentation of every step. esd.control is the state-of-the-art software tool for ESD testing.

An optional fiber optic link is offered to communicate with the esd NX30 separating the sensitive computer from the test set-up and to avoid ground loops.

Calibration target set CTR 2 for waveform verification as per EN/IEC 61000-4-2

The CTR 2 calibration target and its accessories like 20 dB attenuator and coaxial cable forms the set to verify the ESD waveform as requested by the standard EN/IEC 61000-4-2. The 2ohm target is built following the specification of the standard.
By means of the 50ohm adapter line CTR 2-AD the performance of the CTR 2 can be verified using a spectrum analyser.

Accessories to set-up a complete ESD test area

To set-up an ESD test area accessories like vertical coupling plane ( VCP ) ,  grounding set ( EAS 30 ) and even an ESD table with HCP and Ground reference plane are offered.

RFCI Fast Relay Module for Special ESD Tests

The Fast Relay module, type RFCI, is introduced to perform ESD tests with pulses having a faster rise time than required as per EN/IEC 61000-4-2. Rise time is specified to be between 200ps and 300ps. This special requirement originates from the computer industry.

dito  Datasheet 



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