EMTest Ultra-Compact Simulators for Automotive Transients for Pulses 1, 2 and 3a
The UCS 200N Ultra-Compact Simulator series for Automotive Transients unifies the capabilites of an EFT/Burst simualtor, a Micropulse simulator and the required coupling network into one box. The UCS 200N series is equiped to meet all international and car manufacturer specifications from around the globe. The built-in coupling network ranges up to 200A depending on the model. The built-in coupling network can be used and controlled by any unit of the LD 200N series, VDS 200N/Q/R series and PFS 200N series. For tests beyond standard’s requirements the waveform parameters of the Micropulse generator can be varied in a wide range by means of the FreeStyle mode.
Smartest Solution for Automotive Transient Testing
Never before an Ultra-Compact Simulator for automotive transient testing like the UCS 200N series was available. All international standards and most car manufacturer requirements have been put into one box. All pulses are fully compliant to the specifications. Even more, the waveform parameters for micropulses can be varied in order to test with pulses beyond any standard specification.
The UCS 200N series is the heart of the redesigned EM TEST Automotive test set-up having the ability to control any external EM TEST Load Dump and Battery Supply simulator. The built-in coupling network for nominal DC currents of up to 200A forms the single-port DUT connection for fully automated tests.
The software iso.control with its extensive standards library put this test equipment to the top with almost unlimited test capabilities.
iso.control Software for control and documentation
Outstanding user convenience, clearly structured windows and operation features and the EM TEST standards library along with the flexibility to generate user specific test sequences very easily are the main features of iso.control software. The software is automatically configured according to the connected EM TEST generators. iso.control software covers international/national standards and most of the manufacturer standards and is continuously updated. Extensive reporting capabilities help the user to create test reports that meet international requirements.
iso.control is supported by Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8. Remote control is achieved either via USB or GPIB. iso.control supports a wide range of GPIB cards of National Instruments.
UCS 200Nx.2 series Datasheet 
UCS 200Nx.3 series Datasheet