Embedded JTAG Solutions: Series of Practical Webinars

From Embedded Board Test to Embedded Programming

Would you like to find out how the use of embedded JTAG test and in-system-programming could benefit also your products and R&D or production process?
Are you already using JTAG and would like to find out on how  you can leverage even more out of this embedded access technology?
Did you miss one of the informative, practice-oriented webinars in the Embedded JTAG Solutions series from Göpel electronics?

No worries, we have compiled all the webinars available on 1 page, covering everything from Embedded Board Test to Embedded Programming.

Five practical webinars illustrate how hidden defects in the electronics development and manufacturing process can be discovered with Embedded JTAG Solutions. The Göpel webinars are accessible with a tap on below image!



  • “Recognizing Hidden Dangers Before It Is Too Late” shows the dangers of invisible and diagnosable faults due to increasing component density and hidden solder joints
  • „A Glance beneath the surface“ explains the targeted localisation of invisible structural defects
  • „Always the right equipment for exciting missions“ illustrates how improved fault coverage, higher test efficiency and faster programming speed can be achieved with Embedded JTAG Turnkey Solutions
  • „Discover Smart Speed Boosters“ gives an overview of the new possibilities of versatile programming with Embedded Instruments
  • „Detect functional faults across processes“ explains functional testing theory, Embedded JTAG Solutions technologies, test applications and case studies

Expand your knowledge and watch the webinars right now!

Already a Göpel System Cascon software user?
Don’t miss the below webinar on June 28 and discover the new features of version 4.9 !


Find our more about the embedded JTAG solutions on our website via this link: Göpel Embedded JTAG/Boundary Scan

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