Huntron Access DH Prober

Dual Head, Open Architecture Probing Station

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If you want to know more about Huntron Access DH Prober

  • Cost effective, open architecture robotic platform
  • Design, manufacturing and service depot applications
  • Increase operator productivity
  • Repeatable, accurate X, Y and Z movement
  • Improved test yield

The Access DH Prober is a dual head Robotic Flying Probe system that is best suited for low volume PCA testing where interfacing between two points is necessary. The Access DH stands in it’s own cabinet with plenty of space underneath for a rack mounted PC and other test instrumentation. The open architecture design of the Access DH makes it possible for you to utilize flying probe technology with many different test methods where automated probing of the PCA under test makes sense. The Access DH can be used with traditional Huntron Tracker products, configured to work with conventional test instruments, (Oscilloscopes, Spectrum Analyzers, etc.) or specialized test cards such as Boundary Scan. The Access DH design allows a plug and play approach to automating manual guided probe applications.