Software for Surface Engineering and Metrology
At the heart of the cyberTECHNOLOGIES product range is the comprehensive suite of functions provided to the operator by the Scan Suite software solution.
cyberTECHNOLOGIES have developed a software suite to provide the operator with the tools required for all aspects of surface engineering in many industrial applications. Easy to work with, the software provides a complete solution for laboratory or production needs, and covers setting up, scanning, data acquisition, analysis and reporting. For repeat measurements and production needs, AScan will automate the processes involved, including full image analysis, and statistical process control reporting. All standard parameters of 2 and 3 dimensional measurement including those to ISO 25178 are included.
With Scan CT, all the tools required for setting up, scanning, data acquisition, analysis, and reporting can be achieved.
For reporting, a graphics capability provides scalable 3D images in full colour and also exports the surface data in many formats for further analysis. The 3D graphics provide high resolution images of the captured data for report or presentation work.
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