COMET YXLON International designs and produces radioscopic and CT inspection systems for a broad variety of industrial applications and fields.
Whether in the aviation and aerospace, automotive, or electronics industry, COMET YXLON customers are among the largest manufacturers in the world – major enterprises that place their confidence in our outstanding quality. COMET YXLON roots go back to the discovery of the X rays by Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen in 1895 and the construction of the first X-ray tube by C.H.F. Müller in Hamburg in 1896.
The name COMET YXLON stands for quality assurance for all types of cast parts, tires, electrical and electronic components, turbine blades, welded joints, and a lot more. Whether in manual, semi, or fully automated operation, our inspection systems are ideal for deployment in research and development and can be integrated into any production process.
Computed tomography systems have been an integral part of COMET YXLON product portfolio since 2003. CT provides a three-dimensional insight into inspection items thus enabling the analysis of inner structures, dimensional measurement tasks in metrology applications, or actual-to-nominal comparisons to CAD data, to name a few. Besides delivering a more precise inspection evaluation (when compared with radiography), computed tomography also provides valuable information about the production process. Above and beyond such advantages, COMET YXLON microfocus systems permit highly detailed views into the most intricate structures and tiniest components.
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